Our Description
The Hungarian Vizsla is a russet gold, short coated gundog of medium size, bred to hunt, point and retrieve.
They are a very intelligent, high energy dog that requires considerable exercise and mental stimulation.
Vizslas thrive on human companionship, so care must be taken to avoid separation anxiety.
With a sensitive, inquisitive nature so you need to be gentle but firm.
They love to be playful and a clown one minute but can be stubborn and wilful the next, so patience is a must.
Hungarian Vizslas are not suited to all and not an easy breed without the correct and consistent training from the start.
Although they are friendly and have a good disposition, it is recommended that children should be supervised when around Vizslas.
They are generally healthy and long lived, a good breeder will have carried out the available health tests on breeding pairs.
In a happy and active home the Vizsla is a wonderful loyal companion.
Breed standards
See here for current members litters for sale
Article below written by Sheila Gray 2012
Vizsla puppies are much like any other puppies in most respects. They are very cute, cuddly and will tear up your possessions if you turn your back for a second. The difference lies in their long puppyhood, sometimes 2-3 years! Combine this with their intelligence, exuberance, and mischievousness raising a Vizsla puppy can be both a joyful and aggravating experience. Many people are drawn to the Vizsla because of it’s attractiveness, but their other characteristics should be considered as the primary deciding factor. If you decide you can live with a Vizsla at it’s worst, then everything else will be a bonus!
Any dog requires a big commitment in time and money from puppyhood to old age. Puppies need to be supervised for their safety as well as the safety of your possessions! They need the proper exercise and nutrition appropriate for their breed, activity level and age. Puppies and dogs also need training to help them become enjoyable members of the household. It also requires a commitment of money. Can you afford quality food and necessary veterinary care such as yearly innoculations, heartworm preventives, worming and other, unforeseen Vet visits? Pet insurance is expensive but pretty much indispensable.
It is also important to remember that these are lively, active dogs which need to run free, and need a lot of exercise compared to other breeds. Without the exercise they need, a Vizsla will become withdrawn, unhappy and most likely destructive through frustration. If you cannot commit to run your Vizsla a couple of times a day for at least 30-45 minutes each time please don’t get one.
Your time, the Dogs time
Don’t make the mistake of trying to shoehorn the dog into your busy schedule, the dog will always lose out. You must have time available in your life to devote to the dog. If you still think a Vizsla may be for you, make sure you take the time to talk to Vizsla owners, breed specialists here in the Society, breeders. The HVS is present at many of the Game Fairs around the country in the Discover Dogs tent, and you can always find Vizsla people at Shows.
Choosing your Vizsla.
First, decide whether you want your dog as a pet, a show dog or as a working dog. You may wish to have your dog for all three, and if this is the case, then you need to think about whether the dog is going to be primarily a working dog with occasional showing, or primarily a show dog with a bit of working. The reason for this is because if the dog is to work then it needs to come from a working line; the hunting instinct is lost in as little as the 3rd generation if the dogs not worked. If you are looking for a pet or show dog then this is not important to you (except to say that the HVS promotes the ability – duality – of the Vizsla as both a working and show dog). So you will need to do some research to find a breeder with the right line for your needs, some breeders breed show dogs, some working dogs and some both.
Which Breeder?
With the above in mind, start talking to breeders. And when you do, make sure they adhere to the HVS Code of Ethics. This is important. The Code of Ethics is there to protect the health of the breed and adherence to the code is important to stop the exploitation of bitches by unscrupulous breeders intent on only making money, hipscoring of both parents is paramount to guard against Hip Dysplasia (read about this by clicking HERE) and many other considerations. Please read the HVS Code of Ethics by clicking HERE.
Responsible breeders will appear as if they actually don’t want you to have one of their dogs. They will ask many questions of you, covering most of the points made above – they will tell you that if your puppy doesn’t suit you that you should call them immediately and bring the puppy back, they will invite you to see the bitch with her litter and you should go, at least twice. If you don’t get this – avoid the breeder as they obviously don’t care about their dogs.
If you are still interested in buying a Vizsla puppy then please see our list of questions to ask a breeder.

Buyer Beware
- The HVS feels prospective Vizsla owners should be made aware of contra-indications in the description of Vizslas as ideal family pets.
- The Vizsla is a complicated character who requires lots of attention, exercise and training when adult.
Training should begin early in the puppies life. It should be firm, patient and consistent. Vizslas have a low threshold for boredom and will become either highly excited and silly or nervous and whingy if pushed too hard or dealt with in an aggressive manner. However, they may try to become boss dog, or manipulate their owner if not shown their place in the home.
A highly intelligent dog, they require activities to engage their brain, otherwise they will use this intelligence to devise their own amusement which can spell trouble!
Vizslas are bred to have copious energy and are capable of working eight hours a day during the shooting season. If not utilised this energy can cause the dog to become hyperactive and neurotic. By nature Vizslas are excitable and extrovert, who display great affection toward their people. This can be jumping up or taking hold of hand, wrist or a piece of clothing and mouthing it.
This is the Vizsla, it needs much attention and is not happy without sufficient exercise and will fret if left alone for long periods.
Can you cope with this? If you have any doubts – do not get a Vizsla.
Sadly, there have recently been problems where the rescue team and some owners have had to take the ultimate step – euthanasia. The Vizslas in question had shown repeated aggression.
- Circumstances have varied as to the cause of this sad situation, it has been noted that some of the dogs involved have been somewhat closely bred.
- Do examine the Pedigree and seek advice before deciding this is the dog for you.
- Lifestyles have changed and people do not always have the time to devote to a dog.
- Vizslas do not make good trophy or weekend dogs.
- When in the right environment, there is no better companion than this breed, they just do not suit everybody.
In return for your care and commitment a Vizsla will give a lifetime of fun and devotion.
- The cost may or may not put you off, but the Hungarian Vizsla Society asks you to make sure that both the sire and dam are health screened.
- The Breed, Code of Conduct – Minimum Standards can be found by clicking this link.
- You can check the status of their published health tests at KC Health Test Results Finder
- You can also check the sire and dam out at www.vizsladatabase.com as your puppy will not yet have a data footprint anywhere.
- There is also an Open Registry of Vizsla Inflammatory Polmyopathy click here for database. where you can check whether the ancestors of your puppy were “Affected.”
- If the breeder advertising your litter has not taken the minimum standards of care with the mating, it is unlikely that they will excel in dealing with you as their customer.
- Buyer beware, do your checks and be prepared.
- There will always be another litter another time, use your time to find out more about the Vizsla, the Breeder, the Sire and the Dam health tests and also check the Inbreeding Coefficient (COI) lookup to make an informed decision on your life long companion.