The Canine Genetics Centre (CGC) at the University of Cambridge are searching for any gene which may be associated with the transmission of epilepsy. Their ultimate aim is to produce a test which could be used to identify any gene that is linked to epilepsy. This would then enable informed breeding choices to reduce the incidence of epilepsy.
There has been much speculation and misunderstanding regarding this research programme which is supported by both breed clubs. It is completely confidential and is not in any way linked with any other health information compiled anywhere else by any other individuals or groups. All samples sent directly to CGC are handled with total confidentiality. As the Kennel Club Breed Health Coordinator for Hungarian Vizsla, I alone will know of you and your vizsla if you have contacted me directly.
This disease has a devastating effect on the lives of not only the dogs but also the families with whom the dog lives.
The research still needs more vizsla, both AFFECTED and those UNAFFECTED who are over the age of 8 years old. It involves a simple cheek swab, nothing more invasive, it is quick and easy to do!
You can contact me via bhc@vizsla.org.uk OR follow the link directly via the QR code on the poster.